Sunday, August 26, 2007

Busy Weekend....

It's been a busy weekend... I started back to work last week, so I was gone all day... Friday night I mounted my new track system, cleaned and set up the studio... Let's just say I only got 3 hours of sleep that night...

Greg was a cool dude... Usually guys aren't into the "photography thing", but that's what mom wants... Greg was a trooper... We started off with an old car... He wore his late grandpa's letter jacket... Just happened to be from the same decade the car was from (1940's)... We then moved on to other outdoor locations, then to the studio... Greg never once complained... We got some great images...

Later that evening, I had the privilege of photographing an engaged couple. Ricky and Layla. He's a newly commissioned officer in the Army, and she's a TV reporter from the South. They were a lot of fun... They both wore their college T-shirts and razzed eachother a bit... The final part of the session, I had this idea to try a flag with him in his uniform... Kind of "An officer and a Gentleman" theme. It turned out so cool.... Gotta go, I have my first day of the 2007-08 school year tomorrow, so I've got to be fully rested and rairin' to go... Enjoy....

Friday, August 17, 2007


My first senior guy this school year... I usually photograph more girls than guys, but for some reason, this year I'm starting out with 3 senior guys scheduled. I'm excited and am looking forward to getting the creative juices flowing. Ernie was a blast... He's a footballer, so we incorporated that into some of the images. During the session, the sun had already gone down, but the sky was this phenomenal red color, we were walking in and I just had a vision and acted upon it. The image turned out really cool.... He was excited when I showed him the LCD screen of the image. Hope he likes them....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Back, Moved-In, and Settin' Up

It's been a crazy week and a half... Returned from our wonderful and blessed vacation... Saw some of the most amazing things... We moved into our new home... and I'm in the process of setting up the new studio... I'm excited... Here are some images from our trip... Enjoy....