Vanessa and Erin were my last two seniors from 2008. Vanessa is from JM. She's a cheerleader, kinda quiet, yet very photogenic. I had her in my class. She loved the creek area, and the images definitely showed. Erin is a musically-inclined, funny, yet reserved young lady. She's moving to Germany next week, so the likes of me continuing to have her and her family as clients is pretty slim. Of course we are willing to travel for portrait sessions (hint-hint... Erin are you listening?). She plays 3 different instruments (guitar, piano, & drums). We incorporated them into many of the images. We also used the Crape Murtles (trees with several different colored blossoms on them) too. I think I photographed 43 Seniors this year. Wow, I can't believe I'm already starting to plan and shoot my '09 Seniors. Time waits for no one..... We also just returned from a 8 day vacation in Colorado... one word.... Breath-Taking....

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